
    Our Services

    VAT Services for Small Businesses Made Simple

    Expert VAT Registration, Returns, and Compliance Support from AnRos Consultancy Ltd

    Our Services

    VAT Accountant

    Value Added Tax (VAT) can be a confusing topic. But here at AnRos Consultancy Ltd, it doesn’t need to be with our small business accountants by your side.


    VAT is a mandatory tax you pay when purchasing goods or services. Businesses must undergo VAT registration and pay VAT if their annual taxable income exceeds £90,000.


    If you’re a VAT-registered business, there’s a few responsibilities to keep on top of as set out by HMRC. Along with paying any VAT you owe and keeping an up to date record of how much VAT you pay, you’ll also need to send a VAT return to HMRC usually every three months.


     Leave VAT to the professionals


    As VAT accountants, we could talk for hours about VAT returns. But we understand not all business owners can (or want to).


    Which is why we can work with you to handle the registration process, file returns using software that’s compatible with Making Tax Digital (MTD), calculate your effective VAT rate and keep you up to date with new laws and regulations. So you can focus more on your business and less on VAT.


    Ready to talk through VAT?  Get in touch.


    What is a VAT invoice?

    It is an invoice that has VAT details (VAT number, applicable rate, VAT amount, name and addresses of both customer and supplier) along with standard demand of payment information (details of supply, payment terms, issue date, etc.).

    How can I reduce my VAT due?

    VAT is a very straightforward tax, and the amount due is what the business collects from customers, less VAT paid to suppliers. The cornerstone for reducing it is to maintain meticulous record-keeping on purchases so you can reclaim back any VAT possible. Other ways would be looking at VAT schemes available and grouping options.

    What is the difference between zero-rated and exempt VAT?

    Exempt VAT applies to supplies listed in Sch. 9 VATA 1994 – Exemptions. The seller of these supplies will not charge their customers any VAT, but they also won’t be able to reclaim any VAT paid on costs related to these goods or services.

    Zero-rated VAT applies to supplies listed in Sch. 8 VATA 1994 – Zero-rating. The seller of these supplies will not charge their customers VAT either, but they can claim a credit for VAT paid on costs related to these goods or services.

    Can I submit a VAT return without an accountant?

    Yes, you definitely can. In fact, it does not matter who submits the VAT return as long as it is done on time and provides all necessary information.